Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Explore how one or more of the keywords--immediacy, transparency, hypermediacy, remediation, repurposing, refashioning--manifests itself in a specific digital space (think Facebook, blogs, Twitter, etc.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Digital Media Rubric

- Appropriateness of genre (especially in terms of your audience)

- Development and evidentiary support of your argument

- Establishment of ethos: use of quality scholarly sources

- Argument takes a clear and persuasive position on the stance of technology in the classroom

- Arrangement and organization

Appropriate/Effective for audience

- Rhetorical analysis of project in process memo

- Design/aesthetics/creativity

- MLA/Works cited

Monday, October 10, 2011

Theory of Composition: Part Three

Revisit and revise your theories of composition to include technology and the role you feel it should (or should not) play in the classroom.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Role of Technology and Its Consequences

Think of a time you noticed a divide engendered via technology and the consequences it created.