Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Explore how one or more of the keywords--immediacy, transparency, hypermediacy, remediation, repurposing, refashioning--manifests itself in a specific digital space (think Facebook, blogs, Twitter, etc.)


  1. Immediacy is the most direct and straightfoward way of acting upon something or giving instant involvement with such, and thats exactly what our digital world has come to. Instant response, instant gratification. Think twitter and facebook, both two widely popular sites that everyone you know is on. If you are to post a comment or send out a tweet, likely a response to that whether it is a comment, a like, or a retweet, by others, is going to take place seconds or minutes from your actual post. People want to know what you're doing right NOW. So its easy to write something simple immediately for others to take note of and see.
    Remediation also takes place alot in the digital realm of social networks such as facebook and twitter. How you ask? In very broad terms, remediation is shown through us, the author. We are the medium. We can look back to 2007 when we were sophomores in highschool and see what we posted, what we looked like, what our interest were, and compare them to the new refurbished and current state that we are in now in the present day. It's quite funny and somewhat embarrassing to see how I used to talk and what I used to say back when I was real young.

  2. The concept of repurposing is taking one medium and transforming it into another medium. Whether we are aware of it or not, we deal with repurposing multiple times a day usually on social media sites such as facebook or twitter. Because these websites have become so popular and versatile, people are no longer using them to solely share personal information. Many companies are creating facebook pages to promote and sometimes operate their business. Instead of purchasing commercials they are posting videos on their facebook. And instead of putting out fylers in the sunday paper they tweet daily specials to their followers. This type of repurposing allows more customers to see their products which in turn creates more business. Because of technological advances more and more people expect instant gratification, and by repurposing advertisements and information, corporations and business can attract more customers.

  3. When it comes to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, immediacy plays a role in these sites. The term immediacy deals with making the audience become unaware of the present medium, and having that audience feel as close to the real experience as possible. With Facebook and Twitter, both of these things occur. For example, Facebook includes everything from photo albums, to videos, to status updates as to what the user is doing or has done. I have found that in my experience using Facebook, the more time I spend on this site the less aware I become of the medium itself. I don’s see Facebook as a website that I am on viewing photos of a friend’s weekend. However, I see it as me directly jumping into that friends weekend by seeing the photos and reading the comments. This is where immediacy starts to play its role in Facebook as well as other social networking sites. The audience is thrown into statuses and photos, but isn’t aware of these mediums. We see it more as a way of seeing and hearing about what happened last weekend without actually being there.
    Twitter is also a good example of immediacy because it is real time. Viewing Tweets is immediate because you have access to them right away. We aren’t as aware of this medium because our main focus is knowing what that person is doing, rather than focusing on the fact that we are reading about what they are doing. The idea that we must read through text is irrelevant and the immediacy of knowing what that person has just done is what becomes important.

  4. Remediation is a huge player when it comes to taking stories that have been hand written or published in a book and converting it to digital media. Someone can scan a book or retype it in to their word processor and then post it to the internet in a blog or send it in an email. Manuscripts can be posted in attachments to facebook, where members of a party, specifically a creative writing group, can look at and share the document, critique it and give feedback, without ever having to have it physically delivered in print. With remediation you can also take a movie, upload it into your computer, create a link and share it on facebook or email or blogspot, or wherever you want. Remediating is an opportunity to transform one type of media into another, so you could also take a movie and break it down into a discussion through a social site.

    Kari K

  5. In terms of a digital space, two concepts are relied upon heavily. These two being immediacy and hypermediacy. Certain spaces want to embrace immediacy in the fact that they don’t want their audience to feel intimidated by such things as their interface. Instead, they use various methods to make their involvement seamless or reminiscent of something familiar. In terms a video game within the genre of racing, the creators may give you a first-person view of the inside of a car, immersing the player into the familiar world of driving. We’ve all had experience with operating a vehicle, so mimicking that second nature type action makes users feel more comfortable.

    When it comes to hypermediacy, there are digital spaces in which reminding the user of the medium because synonymous with the genre itself. With Facebook or Twitter, they both have very distinct interfaces that have become practically a trademark for each of the sites. Most audiences can recognize these types of social media sites completely by the look of their interfaces. Since such characteristics are attached to a space, you’ll often find little change over time within the sites. Sure, certain features might be tweaked here or there, but they still want to remind their audience of what medium they’re using by creating a space that is simple yet still memorable and apparent.

  6. Without the hypermedia aspect of it, Tumblr wouldn’t be the same. If it offered only one genre through which users could post, then it would simply become something else. For example, if only video posting were available, then it would simply be Youtube. If it were only photo and image, then I’d be flickr. If it were only music, then I’d be a number of other sites that offer this medium alone. Instead Tumblr, as a hypermedia, microblogging platform, takes all of these and more into a single site and makes them available for users. They’re given the options of Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, Audio, Video, and whatever other genre they’d like with similar features of these mediums like GIF. This variety that Tumblr offers through hypermedia allows the users to express themselves in so many more ways because they’re all so easily accessible within the same site. Also, since most of the microblogs created within Tumblr tend to be themed or focused on a central idea or two, and since so many types of genres of media are provided, repurposing and mediation are extremely common here. Users will often want to create and express the same idea through all the different mediums, and this is where these two elements come in.

  7. Digital space is defined by immediacy. The viewer is able to navigate the web in a non-linear fashion in the path of their choosing. They are able to click certain links and type in certain searches, giving them direct involvement and full control. This is particularly seen in social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, blogger, tumblr etc. These sites allow you to view and post pictures, videos, texts, links to other sites and more, directly immersing not only the viewer but also the creator. These sites allow viewers to comment and directly respond to the creator as well. The interplay between control and involvement is what makes immediacy a vital part of digital media. Without the viewers freedom to choose what to look at and when, immediacy in the digital world would be weakened. In that same vein the viewers ability to respond or re-post on the internet creates the sense of instant involvement as outlined by the definition of immediacy. I believe that these accumulated factors, combined to form immediacy, are what make digital media and particularly social media sites effective and widespread.

  8. Many of the key terms in our new unit can be seen in the digital media that our culture is now immersed in. One prime example of this can be seen in blogs. Named after web logs, they are really an online refashioning of journals. Also comparable to editorials or columns in a newspaper blogs have been a major aspect of the Internet’s dominance in society over the last 20 years. Most blogs, I would argue, follow the form of a journal. Many people use them to write about their personal lives or really whatever they want. However they almost always include the opinion and views of the author writing them. Whether it’s reviewing a movie or venting about an ex-boyfriend, people are now able to essentially “journal” their thoughts to anyone interested.
    Broadcasted online, bloggers can write just as they would in a journal, yet anyone can read it. This newer concept of writing could be called enhanced, but without a doubt, it includes a significant difference than simply writing in a journal. However the style of writing is very similar. Essentially blogs are a refashioning of journaling and personal writing of all sorts.

  9. Re purposing is putting older content from a medium into a new medium. Many social websites such as Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, etc are perfect examples of this. Not only are these all competitive websites but they are now being used as advertisements rather than just social sites. Facebook, for instance, was originally created to be used by college students, but sometime around 2008 it started to become a social website for everyone. But even still it has changed. Now businesses post adds on it and facebook is becoming one huge mix of commercials. Any person you could ever care to read a bibliography on now exists on facebook. That, to me, is one of the main examples of re purposing.

  10. Tumblr demonstrates hypermediacy characteristics. When you search for pictures based on their tags, the results page displays pictures, text posts, sound files, etc in a completely random order, not based off of published time, or degree of relevancy to your original search. This random access is a key feature of hypermediacy.
    The feed is also autoscrolling, and constantly updating itself. When you reach the end of the page, Tumblr automatically loads the next page's worth of gifs and captions and just adds it right on to where you left off. And when new content is added with those tags, all you have to do is refresh the page, and the most recently added pictures will appear at the top of the dashboard feed. This "no beginning, middle, or end" aspect contributes to the hypermediacy of Tumblr. It is an instantaneous, as-it-is-happening update system.


  11. This may be a slight stretch but I think that because our thoughts are so long sometimes, and our experiences have so many ideas and feelings attached to them that Twitter is a really interesting form of remediation.

    Twitter only allows 140 characters per tweet, which does not amount to a lot, hence the idea of hash tagging. When you hash tag something its more an idea, or small thought, hopefully a witty one, that allows your followers to know whats going on in a really shortened way.

    Shortening our ideas and thoughts into tiny, one or two word hash tags is, I think, a form of remediation. Because we are transforming the content of our lives, no matter how big or small or dramatic or not, that content may be into tiny, ideas to represent the whole.


  12. Refashioning is the concept of adapting an older medium to make it a more desired and relevant. Ever since I could recall, my grandmother has always kept a journal. The journal is a beautiful, brown leather that is just beginning to show its old age. The journal, according to my grandmother, contains thoughts, sketches, pictures and many other things. For me, the appeal of a journal is the intimacy and secrecy it holds within its pages. Over time, social networks like Facebook, Twitter and blogs have been refashioned within our society to become the socially accepted forms of journal writings and entries.
    The concept is retained, in that one is still able to document his/her thoughts at any given moment. However, there is no romance in that; no secrecy; no intimacy. Still, it is acceptable to the majority of the world. Refashioning, for me, is able to record the societal trends because it is always shifting to satiate the needs of our society.

  13. Refashioning is the act of giving a new form to something already created. It is an adaptation of old media innovating new technology to provide a more relevant medium for that media. I think that this is apparent in Twitter. First, we had Myspace – which was the first social network that allowed you to find friends and family from all over the world, bringing everyone closer together, next came Facebook – which, at first was just the college social network. (I remember that I was in high school going on college visits and I saw so many people on this new Facebook-thing.) It was another social networking site that connected people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People began to use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, post photos, share links and exchange other information. Facebook users can see only the profiles of confirmed friends and the people in their networks. This became a huge asset to businesses when trying to reach their consumer. Facebook, which once was a college-only social networking site has now become non-discriminatory with age with having anywhere from adolescent teens to sixty year-old grandmothers with a Facebook page of their own on the site. Next in line is Twitter, which has all the usefulness of Facebook in 160 (or less) characters. Twitter lets you tweet about what you’re doing, who you’re with, what you think about a certain topic and refer to those topics in your “tweet”. Just like Facebook, Twitter allows you to friend others (follow them) and also keeps you in the know about topics of interest.

  14. Repurposing is the act of putting older content into new content. This rings true in just about every form of social media we use today. For example, when it comes to facebook we take pictures and post them, or tell all of our friends what we did that day in one little status update. We live in a "need to know now" generation and thanks to social media sites, it is very possible to always know whats going on as soon as it happens. Another key term that plays a part in the social media craze it refashioning. Refashioning is the adaptation of a newer medium to a better medium. I think its pretty clear to anyone that has a facebook, or myspace even, that refashioning takes place about once every couple months. Facebook is always changing and updating to make it more accessible and easier to use for everyone.
